Saturday, October 11, 2008

By The Numbers: Travel Edition

When it comes to romantic escapades, most of the ones I’ve enjoyed over the years have been inextricably linked with one of my greatest passions -- travel.

Having grown up with two parents who had a great curiosity about the world and their own penchant for globetrotting, I can definitely say that jetsetting is part of my DNA. From holiday flings to encounters with old flames, travel has afforded me the opportunity to experience all kinds of romance. Here are some of the more memorable ones, By The Numbers:

Number of men dated during junior year in London: 7
Number of men dated while living in Sydney: 5
Number of hours spent driving to Montreal for weekend with Toronto high school sweetheart: 12
Number of shipboard-to-shore romances: 1
Number of European tour guides who put the moves on me: 1
Number of times I’ve been asked out while waiting for a flight at JFK: 1
Number of old flames from New York who romanced me in Bali: 1

Thought my Indonesian rendez-vous with old flame Dave proved to be the final flicker of romance for us, it was more than worth the trip to experience the magic of Bali.

Indonesian Paradise: Me at the Waka di Ume Resort
in Ubud, Bali, January 2002

A tropical paradise inhabited by truly genteel, hospitable people, Bali is one of the most spectacular places on planet Earth. I look forward to returning someday, maybe even with Mr. Right in tow.

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