Thursday, May 28, 2009

Drinks With NYPD Blue

Last week, I met up with 37-year-old Long Island native Rich, a member of and the NYPD.

Over drinks at Merchant’s on NYC’s Upper East Side, Rich filled me in about his legendary barbecuing talents and what led him to life on the beat.

Merchant’s: Rich and I enjoyed drinks at this UES bar/restaurant/cigar lounge hybrid

After a stint in the military and a semester of studying public health at the graduate level -- with a detour in Russia to learn the language -- Rich went to the police academy, eventually finding himself working one of the city’s toughest sections, the South Bronx.

I couldn’t resist asking Rich to give me the 411 on what being part of NY’s Finest is really like. He happily dispelled some myths and clarified others.

Of the multi-talented, charismatic cops on shows like CSI who also happen to be forensic experts, Rich told me -- they don’t exist. Detectives don’t typically do double duty, while forensic guys tend to be nerdy science geeks.

As for donuts hitting the NYPD blue’s sweet spot, that’s true. But only, Rich explained, because they’re easy to find and quick to consume, the latter being especially important when suddenly dispatched to a crime scene mid-bite.

Rich has been shot at, chased drug dealers and faced down hostile crowds. But, he said modestly, it’s all in a day’s work -- and most days involve a lot of waiting around.

After humoring me in my interrogation, Rich showed equal interest in my day job, and in checking out the new Yankee Stadium together on a second date. Our evening ended with him walking me home and giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek.

A cute cop who likes the Bronx Bombers and loves to cook. Take me out to the ballgame!


Your Organizing Guru said...

Just found you via today's HARO and can't stop reading! ~J

ESanchez said...

Found you via today's HARO as well. I love it!

Mr. White said...

why would you go for a cop versus, say, somebody educated?

Melissa said...

Welcome to SGITC, fellow HARO folks! So glad you found me.

Mr. White, as for the idea that a cop isn't educated -- not so, especially in this case. Rich has a master's degree and is fluent in Russian. :-)

Overanalyzer: said...

Found you via HARO too... good stuff. Will you see the cop again? (As for Mr White - pipe down, that's completely ridiculous)

Melissa said...

Hoping to see the cop again. We've been playing phone tag this week, so stay tuned!

michael moebes said...

Found you via HARO...good luck!

Leland said...

Another HARO find, and Peter was right...your blog is a fun read!

Mr. White, they're ready to light the cross in your village; grab your stereotype (it's peeking out of your white robe's upper pocket) and hurry home.


Susan said...

Also via HARO. Your cop sounds curiously cool - you go have gun, ooops, fun gal!